Krystal Teague DentalDental Health History*Required Field Patient's Full Name* Date of Birth* Are you currently being treated by a physician regularly for a serious health problem? Yes,No If yes, please explain and give physician’s contact information: Please list all medications you are currently taking (prescribed or over the counter): Do you have any known allergies to latex, medications, or milk protein (please list): Have you ever been treated for: (check all that apply) Blood PressureHeart DiseaseStrokeArtificial JointRheumatic FeverHeart MurmurHeart ValvePacemakerHepatitisDiabetesDepressionTuberculosisImmune DiseaseAsthmaBleeding/ClottingDry Mouth Has a physician told you to take antibiotics before a dental cleaning? Yes,No If yes, why? Do you use tobacco? YesNo If yes, how much per day? Do you consume alcohol? YesNo If yes, how much per day/week? Do you currently use recreational or street drugs? YesNo I have read and completed the above answers to the best of my knowledge. I understand Krystal Teague Dental is not responsible for any missing information I did not provide above. I take full responsibility for any medications prescribed to me from Krystal Teague Dental.